Public transport in Trieste

Public transport in Trieste

The center of Trieste can be easily reached by car, driving along the motorway A4 (European route E70) taking the exit at kilometer 523 in Sistiana, driving along the SS14 coastal road for 9 km, along Viale Miramare and finally to the central station. Alternatively by driving car along motorway A4, (European road E70) to Prosecco, then street no. SP35 to Opicina, street E61 and Via Commerciale towards Trieste.


Alternatively, you can easily reach the center of Trieste by using the railway network to the central station of Trieste: there are several daily connections with the high speed trains of Trenitalia company between the main Italian cities as well as a capillary network of regional and interregional transport. Once you reach the central station, you can have a walk to the center along via Trento or Corso Cavour and Riva 3 Novembre for about 1 kilometer up to the main square Piazza dell'Unità d'Italia.

Local buses

There are many bus stops close to the main station: in front of the side entrance there is the stop of line 8 passing through the main square Piazza dell'Unità d'Italia and the stop of line 6 connecting the station with the pedestrian area of avenue Viale XX September and with San Giovanni district. On the opposite direction, line 6 leads to Miramare castle along the Barcola promenade.

In front of the station, in square Piazza della Libertà, there are several bus terminals: line 17 / leads to the new university, line 30 passes through the historic center and square Piazza Hortis, line 24 connects the station to San Giusto hill where you can visit the Basilica and the San Giusto Castle, and line 20 that reaches the center of Muggia.

Rates for the year 2020 are as follows:

10-journey ticket, all routes – 60 minutes € 12,45
Single ticket, all routes – 60 minutes € 1,35
Single ticket, all routes – 60 minutes (via APP, through payment by credit card) € 1,35
Single ticket, all routes – 60 minutes (via SMS or APP, through payment by mobile phone) € 1,35
Single ticket, 2 sections of 1 route € 1,65
Single ticket, all routes – 75 minutes € 1,65
Day travel card € 4,60
Day travel card – online € 4,60

Is it possible to buy the tickets in the newsagents, tobacconists, book stores, bars, food shops and gas stations selling TT tickets (check the list on, by ticket machines working 24/7 located near the main stops, or through web ticketing by sending an SMS to the number 4850850 with the text TST for a time ticket (60 minutes) or TSTG for a day ticket (valid until midnight on the day of issue).

For further information about lines, timetables and rates, please visit the Trieste Trasporti S.p.A. website:


On the side of the station overlooking the avenue Viale Miramare is located the taxi station. You can also request the service by contacting the following companies:

Radio Taxi Trieste 040 307730

Servizio taxi Trieste – Taxi alabarda Trieste 040 390039

Taxi 040 418822

Fixed rates have been set for specific segments as follows:

  • from/to the Friuli Venezia Giulia airport in Ronchi dei Legionari € 58,00 extra-charges included;
  • from/to Sistiana bay and Duino Castle (day and night) € 35,00 on call;
  • from/to Cattinara hospital up to € 12,00 or less inferiore in case taximeter would calculate a lower amount.


Trieste - Ronchi dei Legionari Airport is about 35 km from Trieste  and can be reached using the frequent bus line 51 operated by APT - Provincial Transport Company of Gorizia: the transfer from the bus terminal, next to the train station takes about 1 hour and one-way ticket costs 4.05 euros. For more information, please visit the website page You can reach Trieste - Ronchi dei Legionari airport by using the taxi service. The fixed rate for the transport fromTrieste to  Ronchi Airport is € 58.00.

A railway connection from the Trieste Airport terminal to the Trieste central station is also active with an hourly frequency. The cost is € 8.10 on weekdays and € 6.40 on weekends.


Tthe local transportation company Trieste Trasporti S.p.A. also manages the maritime connections within the Gulf of Trieste. The provided services are currently two: Trieste-Muggia all the year and Trieste-Barcola-Grignano-Sistiana during summer. For further  information, please visit the website


From the central square Piazza Oberdan starts the historic tram Tram de Opicina that connects, through an extremely panoramic route, the center of Trieste with the location of Villa Opicina located 348 meters above sea level.

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