How to book on BNBTrieste

1. How to book a bed and breakfast, an apartment or a room in BnBTrieste?

Book your stay in an easy and safe way

You can book online by following the below mentioned guidelines or you can contact us for help or advice on choosing an accommodation, checking availability for long stay or large group.

You can contact us in the following ways:

by email to

via whatsup to the number +39 3669881276

typing on our Facebook account

calling the number +39 3669881276 (from Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.)

Book on line!

2. How to check availability or get a quote?

In order to check the availability of the accommodation or to obtain a quote you can follow the following options:

  1. fill the relevant search fields at the top of the home page regarding the date of your stay, the number of guests and the number of rooms.
  2. choose one of the accommodations recommended by the site by clicking on the image of the structure, in the following screen relative to the selected accomodation fill in the appropriate search fields at the top of the page related to dates of stay, number of guests and the number of rooms.
  3. Select the geographic area of interest at the bottom of the home page. Select the tourist accommodation by clicking on the image of the selected structure or the icon on the map. In the next screen relative to the selected accommodation, complete the search fields at the top of the page by filling the date of your stay, the number of guests and the number of rooms.
  4. Contact our support team by email at

3. How to select tourist accommodation?

Before making your choice and booking, we recommend that you check the details of the property with particular reference to the description of the rooms, the opinions of guests, the cancellation policy and reservation rules, and the location on the map.

4. How to complete the booking procedure?

By filling the date of stay and the number of guests in the descriptive web page of the chosen accommodation, you enter the booking page where all the accommodation options available are displayed. Select the preferred option from the drop-down list and press the "RESERVE" button. On the next screen, enter your personal information (name, surname, email address, telephone number and estimated time of arrival) and confirm the acceptance of the contractual terms of the service.

Select the form of payment to the "credit card" or "transfer or paypal": in the first case, fill in the fields the requested information, in the second case, consult your mailbox to find the bank details or paypal instruction to remit  the payment.

5. How to receive the booking confirmation?

When you complete the booking procedure, you will see a confirmation screen containing a summary of all the information about you booking, including a reservation code. In the case of an accommodation opting for "IMMEDIATE RESERVE", you will receive an immediate confirmation of your booking by email. In case of "RESERVATION REQUEST", you must wait for the confirmation of the structure by mail or SMS within 2 hours after the request.