B&B Trieste - Bed and Breakfast in the east area of Trieste

Spend your stay in the east part of Trieste and choose a bed and breakfast in one of the residential neighborhoods surrounding the city center: San Vito, Chiadino, Guardiella, Chiarbola, San Giacomo, Servola and Cattinara. The San Vito district, located on a hill in the central part of the city, represents a prestigious area characterized by several green areas; in Via Tiepolo, you will find the Astronomical Observatory of Trieste entitled to the famous astrophysics from Trieste Margherita Hack. On the hill in the eastern suburbs is located the Chiadino district where two buildings are noteworthy: the Ferninandeo, that hosts the international institute MIB School of Management, and Villa Revoltella erected by the Baron Pasquale Revoltella and become now a city park. On the northeast side of the hill you can enjoy an extended green area where you can visit the grove Farneto and the Botanical Garden.


B&B near Trieste - East Area

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